The OCTC Government Affairs Committee (GAC) is a volunteer committee that is comprised of OCTC members that would like to participate in the stance development process. The committee is responsible for discussing legislation and producing stance recommendations to the OCTC Board of Directors. The GAC will also receive frequent email updates from the OCTC staff including progress on OCTC priority legislation and intel from key legislators and members of the lobbying community. The GAC meets quarterly either in-person or virtually to discuss pending and upcoming issues.
Rules and Procedures
All stance recommendations are determined by majority vote. Voting members of the committee will have one vote per member company. GAC members will recieve documentation on bills including bill language, staff and legal analysis, and other supporting documentation. GAC members will then vote on the recommended stance. Final stance recommendations will go before the OCTC Board of Directors for final approval.
Click here to join the GAC. (OCTC Members Only)
Click here to access committee and meeting materials. (Only GAC Members)